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  1. ASAM Criteria – Multidimensional Assessment. Dimension #1: Acute Intoxication and/or Withdrawal Potential. Rationale: Risk Rating: Dimension #2: Rationale: Biomedical Conditions and Complications. Risk Rating: Dimension #3: Emotional, Bx. or Cog.

  2. ASAM Criteria Assessment. The 4th Edition will describe separate standards for: The ASAM Criteria Level of Care Assessment that is used to determine the recommended level of care. The ASAM Criteria Treatment Planning Assessment.

  3. This guidance document has been developed to provide an overview of the American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM) Criteria and why and how this framework should be used to collect substantive information from patients to determine an appropriate level of care that encourages patient-centered, holistic treatment services to meet the diverse n...

  4. The Columbia-Suicide Severity Rating Scale (C-SSRS) screener can be administered for all patients who have past or present risk factors for suicidality. – The C-SSRS full scale can be administered for patients who screen positive for current suicidality or self-harm.

  5. ASAM 3rd Ed Matrix. 1: Acute Intoxication and/or Withdrawal Potential. Risk Rating: 0. The patient is fully functioning and demonstrates good ability to tolerate and cope with withdrawal discomfort. No signs or symptoms of intoxication or withdrawal are present, or signs or symptoms are resolving.

  6. The ASAM Criteria 4th Edition: A brief introduction (continued) Measurement based care “Measurement-based care involves the systemic administration of symptom rating scales and use of the results to drive clinical decision making at the level of the individual patient.”-Fortney et al., “A Tipping Point for Measurement-based Care,”

  7. The ASAM Criteria is a collection of objective guidelines that give clinicians a way to standardize treatment planning and where patients are placed in treatment, as well as how to provide continuing, integrated care and ongoing service planning.

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