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Geometry, information, dynamics, etc., that is, fundamental concepts that emerged in the introduction, are mathematical concepts. We shall consequently systematically draw upon mathematical thinking. To put this into perspective, let us first discuss the general question of what mathematics can contribute to biology.
Absolute geometry is an incomplete axiomatic system, in the sense that one can add extra independent axioms without making the axiom system inconsistent.
This glossary of biology terms is a list of definitions of fundamental terms and concepts used in biology, the study of life and of living organisms.
21 paź 2011 · The value of mathematics in biology comes partly from applications of statistics and calculus to quantifying life science phenomena, but more importantly from the sophisticated point of view it can bring to complicated real life systems by organizing information and identifying and studying emergent structures.
31 sie 2011 · Complex geometry is a feature of both free-living unicellular organisms and cells inside multicellular animals. Where does the geometry of a cell come from? Many of the same questions that arise in developmental biology can also be asked of cells, but in most cases we do not know the answers.
1 maj 2001 · Log-normal distributions are usually characterized in terms of the log-transformed variable, using as parameters the expected value, or mean, of its distribution, and the standard deviation. This characterization can be advantageous as, by definition, log-normal distributions are symmetrical again at the log level.
31 paź 2023 · Body Plans. Animal body plans follow set patterns related to symmetry. They can be asymmetrical, radial, or bilateral in form. Asymmetrical animals are those with no pattern or symmetry, such as a sponge.