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To convert decimals to fractions, I can write it as a fraction with denominator 10, 100 or 1000; then express it in its simplest form.
Conversions Decimals to Fractions and Fractions to Decimals
Decimals Adding & Subtracting
Slideshow Share. Sign in. File. Edit. View. Help . View only . Rec . HTML view of the presentation. This browser version is no longer supported. ... Understanding Decimals Primary 4 Mathematics. HTML view of the presentation ...
19 paź 2014 · This document provides an introduction to decimals for students. It begins with an overview of decimals and then discusses how to write, read, and compare decimal values. Examples are provided such as writing amounts of money in decimal form.
1. Line up decimal point to help you align the place value positions. Decimal point should be between the ones and tenths place. ** If needed, add zeros to make equivalent decimals. 2. Add as...
27 wrz 2009 · This slideshow shows a child how they can learn to add, substract, mulitply, and divide with fractions and decimals. Read less