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  1. This site will provide you the ability to make inquiries into your payroll information, W-4 information, reimbursements (i.e. travel and flexible benefits) and verify yourself for tuition waiver. The information is updated each evening for current day payments. AS STATE CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER, I OVERSEE STATE SPENDING.

  2. In FLAIR's Employees' Information Center, you can: View your earnings statement. View your federal income tax withholding (W4). Check expense reimbursements. View flexible spending account reimbursements. See if you meet eligibility criteria for a tuition waiver. Login to the FLAIR system to view your information.

  3. Please login with the user name and password provided by the Bureau of State Payrolls for your agency.

  4. For Payroll related forms, please visit the forms page.

  5. People First is the State of Florida's self-service, secure, web-based personnel system that automates the State's human resource functions, such as payroll, benefits, hiring and personnel management.

  6. Annual salary includes applicable employee pay additives (i.e., competitive area differential, trainer, hazardous duty, temporary special duty, legislative approved, critical market pay, and leadworker), but does not include overtime or other incentive payments.

  7. Home / Workforce_operations/people_first/people_first_login. ↑ Back to top. Copyright ©2024 Department of Management Services - State of Florida2024 Department of ...

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