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Sharing knowledge about our most valuable resource, water, through 15 peer-reviewed journals and a range of high-quality books
- Instructions for Authors
Some journals also have journal-specific article types....
- Aims & Scope
Water Supply is an international Open Access peer-reviewed...
- Editorial Board
Editorial Board | Water Supply | IWA Publishing Editorial...
- Issues
Water demand and supply under future water development and...
- Acknowledgement to Reviewers
IWA Publishing is pleased to pay tribute to this...
- Call for Papers
We are pleased to invite you to submit a manuscript to Water...
- Si Water Quality and Human Health
Water Supply Special Issue on: Impact of Sustainable...
- Improving The Remote Sensing Process of Evapotranspiration in The Sebal Algorithm Using Meta-Heuristic Models
So far, the use of data obtained from satellite images and...
- Instructions for Authors
Ingeniería del agua, in association with Universitat Politècnica de València, is in Spanish and Portuguese; all other IWA Publishing journals are in English. Click on a journal cover below for more information, including Aims & Scope, Editorial Board, and Instructions for Authors.
IWA Publishing comparte conocimiento sobre nuestro más valioso recurso, el agua, ayudando a mejorar la salud y el bienestar del mundo. Publicamos un total de 15 revistas – 12 de las cuales tienen “índice de impacto’ (Impact Factor) – y 800 libros, junto con otros recursos informativos.
Esta obra es fruto de la traducción al español del libro de Indicadores de desempeño para servicios de abastecimiento de agua de la International Water Association. Se trata del segundo libro de una serie de tres traducciones de manuales de buenas prácticas de la IWA que están viendo la luz gracias al compromiso del grupo Global Omnium con ...
AQUA-Water infrastructure, Ecosystems and Society is pleased to announce a new Special Issue focusing on advancement of science and innovation for water infrastructure management in our changing world.
This book is a Spanish translation of Performance Indicators for Water Supply Services: Third Edition.
The Lisbon Charter is an international framework of good practice for public policy and regulation in drinking water supply, sanitation and wastewater management services. It contains clear references to the rights and responsibilities of the various stakeholders and users.