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This category lists every character that has been mentioned throughout the Warriors series.
See also: Cat names, how cats are named in the series. When a kit is born, it is up to their parents, usually their mother, to give them their prefix.[1] In a Clan, the name of a new kit is given with the suffix -kit at the end.[2]
In the Warriors universe, the characters in the five Clans (ThunderClan, RiverClan, WindClan, ShadowClan, and SkyClan) have names composed of two parts. Each cat's name has a prefix (Blue, Bramble, Tall, etc.) which generally stays constant throughout their life. The name's suffix varies through the character's lifespan and position within the Clan, with the bestowing of the new name being a ...
Wojownicy (ang. Warriors albo Warrior Cats[1]) - cykl książek podzielony na serie opowiadające o kotach żyjących w samowystarczalnych grupach, które noszą miano klanów (Klan Pioruna, Klan Wiatru, Klan Rzeki, Klan Cienia i Klan Nieba). Leśne koty mocno wierzą w Klan Gwiazdy, gdzie odchodzą po…
Since Warrior Cats is a book series with a massive cast, don't be surprised if not all the characters are on this list. The page grew so large that it had to be split. You'll find the characters at the pages listed below. CAUTION: There are major unmarked spoilers ahead!
If you could give a cat who died or left before they could become a Warrior a full Warrior name, who would you pick, and what would their name be? upvotes · comments r/WarriorCats
In the Warriors universe, the characters in the five Clans (ThunderClan, RiverClan, WindClan, ShadowClan, and SkyClan) have names composed of two parts. Each cat's name has a prefix (Blue, Bramble, Tall, etc.) which generally stays constant throughout their life.