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  1. On this page, we will inform you about the differences between a degree from a university of applied sciences (hbo) and a degree of an academic university (wo).

  2. -WO institutions have a task to educate and provide external research vs just education at HBO. -Higher teaching speed than HBO. You are expected to learn and take in material faster.

  3. A lot of my friends right now are in WO and say they prefer it over HBO due to a multitude of reasons, though they do admit it's more work. I'm trying to make a plan in advance to see where I will end up after my first year of HBO, if I do end up going.

  4. HBO bachelor is typically a 4 year degree. WO bachelor is typically a 3 year degree. If you want to do a WO master after a HBO bachelor, you typically can, provided that it's in the same field and you take an additional 'transfer' year to get you up to the same level as WO students.

  5. Er zijn twee soorten bachelors: hbo (hoger beroepsonderwijs) en wo (wetenschappelijk onderwijs). De bachelorsdiploma’s van het hbo en de universiteit zijn gelijkwaardig, maar er zijn ook verschillen: Opleidingen in het hbo hebben een beroepsgerichte oriëntatie. Wo-opleidingen zijn wetenschappelijk georiënteerd.

  6. Research university (WO) Higher professional education (HBO) 'Why' 'How' Abstract, analytical skills, theoretical, asking questions. Concrete, practical. The emphasis is on learning to look analytically and critically at the way a certain field can be approached: Higher professional education trains for a specific profession.

  7. The overview below sets out the most important differences between studying at a research university and at a university of applied sciences. Abstract, analytical skills, theoretical, asking questions. The emphasis is on learning to look analytically and critically at the way a certain field can be approached.

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