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  1. 15 gru 2021 · The best way to error handle within a Loop is by using On Error Resume Next along with Err.Number to detect if an error has occurred (Remember to use Err.Clear to clear the error after each occurrence).

  2. Example. This example first uses the On Error GoTo statement to specify the location of an error-handling routine within a procedure. In the example, an attempt to delete an open file generates error number 55. The error is handled in the error-handling routine, and control is then returned to the statement that caused the error.

  3. The key to making this work is to use a Resume statement immediately followed by another On Error statement. The Resume is within the error handler and diverts code to the EndTry1 label. You must immediately set another On Error statement to avoid problems as the previous error handler will "resume". That is, it will be active and ready to ...

  4. Error Handling in a Nutshell. Error Handling is used to handle errors that occur when your application is running. You write specific code to handle expected errors. You use the VBA error handling statement On Error GoTo [label] to send VBA to a label when an unexpected error occurs.

  5. Guide to VBA On Error Goto. Here we explain how to use On Error Goto Statement in Excel VBA to handle errors with suitable examples.

  6. Excel VBA provides the “VBA On Error” statement for error handling. This statement guides the program on what to do when an error occurs. There are three types of “VBA On Error” statements: “On Error GoTo Label,” “On Error Resume Next,”, and “On Error GoTo 0.”

  7. The On Error GoTo statement instructs VBA to jump to a line label and enter "error handling mode" whenever an unexpected error occurs at runtime. After handling an error, code can resume back into "normal" execution using the Resume keyword.

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