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Enter a corporate or residential street address, city, and state to see a specific ZIP Code ™. Enter city and state to see all the ZIP Codes ™ for that city. Enter a ZIP Code ™ to see the cities it covers. A ZIP Code result does not confirm that a person or company is at that address.
United States Zip Codes provides a free zip code map and list of zip codes by state. Find zip codes by address, zip codes by city, or zip codes by state.
18 lis 2024 · See ZIP Codes on Google Maps and quickly check what ZIP Code an address is in with this free, interactive map tool. Use this ZIP Code lookup map to view ZIP Codes around you, and optionally also overlay U.S. city limits, townships and county lines.
On this site you will find information on all USA Zip codes and many tools to calculate distance between zip codes, shipping costs, zip codes radiuses etc.
Custom ZIP Code Map. If you would like to print a ZIP code map of a particular area, enter the ZIP code you would like the map centered around. From the search results page, just zoom in on the area that you would like print and click "Print Map" in the top right corner of the map.
Free and commercial databases of US zip codes and their associated city, state, latitude, longitude, demographics and more. CSV, Excel, SQL format.
Watch the demo of how you can combine the ability to find ZIPs in a radius with our ZIP code spreadsheet in Excel to quickly lookup dozens of statistics for the ZIP codes that you have selected including population size, ages, incomes, and more. Find ZIP codes surrounding a city, zip code, address, or point of interest.