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Merchant Mariner Application Status Data viewed on this site is updated daily. If you received an email regarding a change in your application, please wait 24 hours from the date and time of that email before checking the status.
Merchant Mariner Application Status; Merchant Mariner Certificate; Merchant Mariner Credential Verification; ... Casualty Reporting Forms; Civil Penalties and Fines; Contact Information; Drug and Alcohol Program; ... Merchant Mariner Credential Verification; Sea Service Renewal Calculator; Outer Continental Shelf; Port State Control;
If you have a First-Class Pilotage or Local Limited Merchant Mariner Credential application, submit all your forms and supporting documentation to the local Regional Exam Center responsible for the routes requested.
9 paź 2024 · Do not complete the form in the web browser. Save the document to your desktop with your Last Name, First Name, Mariner reference number (if applicable) Complete the form in Adobe PDF application.
Merchant Mariner Credential, Merchant Mariner Medical Certificate application forms, and other various documents needed for the process are below. All forms posted on the NMC website are the most up-to-date versions and will be accepted by the NMC.
19 wrz 2024 · On September 18, 2024, the U.S. Coast Guard began issuing Merchant Mariner Credentials (MMCs) with an embedded credential verification scan quick-response (QR) code. The QR code, located in the upper-right corner of each MMC photograph/personnel page, can be scanned using a smart phone camera.
2 maj 2023 · To verify if a mariner’s MMC application has been approved and validated: Go to the National Maritime Center homepage and select “Check Your Application Status” on the left side navigation buttons or the top red banner.