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Forgot your password? For security reasons, please log out and exit your web browser when you are done accessing services that require authentication! Browser cookies disabled
Forgot UC Application ID? Forgot Password? Change Password. IMPORTANT: To protect your personal information, please LOG OUT of the site when you have completed reviewing your personal information. The system will automatically log you out after 30 minutes of inactivity.
Sign in to the Identity Manager, which requires your personal details such as date of birth to log in. The Identity Manager will allow you to review your UCSBnetID, account status, and optionally reset your password.
You can change your password by logging into the Identity Manager. Select login in the upper right hand corner. You can also reset your password if you have forgotten it by using the Identity Manager.
1521 Phelps Hall University of California Santa Barbara Santa Barbara, CA 93106-3020 (805) 893-4357; Student Directory
The UCSB netid is the username used to sign-in to services and applications available to the UCSB community. Netid's are based on UCSB Identity records, which are automatically created for students, faculty, and staff.
Current Students GOLD uses UCSBNetID/Password login with Multi-factor Authentication (MFA). For assistance with Multi-factor Authentication, please visit UCSB Multi-factor Authentication (MFA) .