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A flexible, scalable, and secure online timesheet application for employees, supervisors and departmental time administrators.
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The API Time and Attendance System is used to badge in for work and track attendance. By using your login and password given to you during the New Employee Orientation, you may log into this system to monitor your badging, view your accumulated sick and vacation time and request time off.
The Time Reporting System (TRS) is a secure online timesheet application that integrates University of California pay policies and collective bargaining agreements. It is the primary timekeeping system for UCI employees.
Sign in with your UCI AD login (not UCInetID) by clicking on the Sign-in button below. (If you have forgotten your AD password, you can change it using the button below.) Discover APIs, learn how to use them, try them out interactively, and sign up to acquire keys.
You can also access TRS via ZotPortal by logging in with your UCInetID and password, hovering your mouse cursor over the Applications tab, and selecting the My Applications Portlet. Under the My Applications bullet, locate and select the item Time Reporting System (TRS).
11 cze 2024 · man resources and academic personnel system. This system brings efficiency with an online interface that allows employees to enter time online, supervisors to approve/edit/return timesheets, and Department Time Administrators (DTAs) to submit timesheet.