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Reversed Two of Wands as Feelings When the Two of Wands is reversed, it means that this person is feeling hesitant about moving forward. Sometimes, regardless of the best laid plans, things don’t always fall into place.
If you are currently in separation with each other, the Two of Wands reversed as love outcome means your person lacks planning and clarity on their future with you. The Two of Wands in the upright is all about taking bold action and courage, in the reverse we get the opposite energy.
In a love Tarot spread, if you are in a relationship the Two of Wands reversed indicates that you or your partner may be finding your relationship mundane and boring but you are staying together because you see it as the safest bet.
For love, the Two of Wands reversed as advice means that you may be feeling hesitant or indecisive about committing to a relationship. It may also indicate that you need to address any fears or insecurities that may be holding you back from fully investing in the relationship.
The reversed Two of Wands suggests a lack of direction and uncertainty in your pursuit of love. You might feel hesitant to step out of your comfort zone, leading to missed opportunities. It's a call to reassess your goals and take action, even if it feels risky.
15 mar 2024 · The Two of Wands Reversed Meaning. Lack of Direction: When the Two of Wands appears reversed, it suggests feeling directionless or unclear on your ambitions. You may find yourself stuck in analysis paralysis, unable to make a decision and move forward.
The Two of Wands reversed encourages you to draw your attention inwards and focus on your personal goals. Consider what is truly important to you and what lights you up. You may have headed in one direction, only to realise it wasn’t in full alignment with your deeper values and purpose.