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The Penza Recluses (Russian: Пензенские затворники, True Russian Orthodox Church, TROC; Russian: Настоящая русская православная церковь) were an Independent Russian doomsday cult founded by Pyotr Kuznetsov which borrowed some ideas from Eastern Orthodoxy.
Police and clergy in southern Russia are trying to negotiate with members of a doomsday cult barricaded inside a cave and threatening to blow it up. The group calls itself the "True Russian...
Pyotr Kuznetsov (Russian: Пётр Кузнецов; born 1964) is the leader and founder of the Russian religious group, the True Russian Orthodox Church. Kuznetsov did not let his followers watch television, listen to the radio or handle money. [1] The group has been referred to as a "Doomsday cult".
Fourteen members of a Russian doomsday cult have come out from the cave they were hiding in while waiting for the world to end, according to emergency officials in Moscow. Spokesman Dmitry...
Russian authorities were trying to coax more than two dozen members of a doomsday cultinto leaving a booby-trapped cave on Friday. At least 29 members of a group calling itself the True...
A divorced architect from Belarus named Pyotr Kuznetsov started just such a cult when he decided the Russian Orthodox Church wasn't conservative enough and founded the True Russian Orthodox Church, also known by cult members as Heavenly Jerusalem.
Self-declared prophet Pyotr Kuznetsov, who established his True Russian Orthodox Church after he split with the official church, blessed his followers before sending them into the cave...