Search results
General Inquiries To better assist you, please provide the Business Name and Business License Number (if you have one already) in the Subject Line of your email. Email (preferred): Do not email filings or payments. Phone: (907) 465-2550.
- Corporations
NOTICE: The Corporations Section is in a heavy renewal...
- Public Records Requests
Use the link below to search specific license types, and to...
- ADA Accommodation
For more information about requesting testing accommodations...
- Professional Licensing
Please note, the temporary military courtesy license is...
- Complaint FAQs
Corporations, Business and Professional Licensing. COVID-19...
- Credit Card Payments
State of Alaska SOA / Commerce DCCED / Corporations,...
- Division Reports
The Division’s annual report to the Legislature includes for...
- Military Licensing
Temporary licenses are available for most license types...
- Corporations
Check the status of your entity (i.e., INC, LLC, LLP, Non-Profit, etc.), if the business license is owned by an entity:
Before engaging in business activity, per AS 43.70.020, you must obtain a business license. Apply to the State of Alaska Business License Section for a business license. Note: The business license application will ask for the Alaska entity number (from Step 2, if applicable) and professional license number (from Step 1, if applicable).
Past filings are available to download and view such as ownership and registered agent information. 1. Go to the Corporations, Business, and Professional Licensing search page. 2. Search by Entity Number or Entity Name. Enter the entity number or any part of the entity name.
Search for Alaska business licenses by business name, owner name, license number, city, or type of business. View Alaska information about business licenses including business license forms and fees and online renewal. View Wrangell City and Borough business licensing information and tax reporting requirements.
Access information on how to obtain a business license, renewals, and other resources for corporations and professional licensing in Alaska.
Search for Alaska business licenses by business name, owner name, license number, city, or type of business. View Alaska information about business licenses including business license forms and fees and online renewal. Search Anchorage municipal business license records by name of business, owner name, or license type.