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How much does a taxi cost in Lisbon, Portugal? Estimate your taxicab fare & rates. Taxi fare, phone numbers, local rates, & suggested trip routes. iPhone App too!
The free taxi price calculator for Lisbon. Just enter start and end address to calculate the taxi cost in Lisbon.
Simply enter your starting point and destination at We’ll calculate the estimated price based on Lisbon taxi fares and your specific route. This will also work for destinations outside Lisbon.
The price for a taxi in Lisbon will be calculated as follows: for example, riding on fairly cheap STANDARD Class - 5 km trip would cost 6 EUR, 10 km trip would be 11 EUR, 20 km ride would be charged at 20 EUR and 50 km ride would set you off for 47 EUR.
Get all the information you need about your taxi in Lisbon before you visit the city; from taxi fares and useful tips to private transfers.
Lisbon taxis offer quick, safe, and affordable rides to Lisbon International Airport. They traverse the 7-km distance to the airport in about 20 minutes depending on the traffic and cost only 10€-15€/10$-15$ during the day and 18€/18$ on nights, weekends, and public holidays (including the baggage fees).
26 lis 2024 · We have our Taxi Service, Premium Economy Transfer, and Business Transfer. The cost of a taxi varies depending on distance, traffic, route, and number of passengers. These prices also depend on local tariffs and standard Lisbon taxi fares.