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Students complete the four tasks of the MoPTA during the final two semesters of their program, including the student teaching semester. Task 1 (which is unscored) is The Knowledge of Students and the Learning Environment; Task 2 is Assessment and Data Collection to Measure and Inform Student Learning.
Task 3: Designing Instruction for Student Learning In this task, you will demonstrate your ability to develop instruction, including the use of technology, to facilitate student learning.
Completing MoPTA Task 3 The lesson plan (math lesson is required for placements in an elementary school) used for Task 3 will need to embed at least 3 learning strategies.
Task 3: Designing Instruction for Student Learning In this task, you will demonstrate your ability to develop instruction, including the use of technology, to facilitate student learning.
In this task, you will demonstrate your ability to develop instruction, including the use of technology, to facilitate student learning. Designing Instruction for Student Learning — Task 3
Missouri Pre-Service Teacher Assessment (MoPTA) Task 3: Designing Instruction for Student Learning Rubric for Step 1: Planning the Lesson (textboxes 3.1.1, 3.1.2, 3.1.3, and 3.1.4)
12 sie 2016 · The new passing score sets a new standard for student teachers as part of the Missouri Educator Gateway Assessments (MEGA). The MoPTA consists of four tasks, and the fourth task includes a video or non-video requirement that allows evaluators to assess teacher candidates in action in the classroom.