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  1. In any case, a maximum allowable closure can be determined for a particular survey. The surveyor should choose equipment and methods that have a rating or max-imum anticipated error closely equal to that for maxmax-imum allowable closure.

  2. The error of closure is 0.015 ft. By substituting these values into the above formula, the correction is as follows: Since the observed elevation of the closing BM is greater than its known elevation, the adjustments are subtracted from the intermediate BMs.

  3. Compute angular misclosure in a traverse and distribute the error. Compute adjusted coordinates for a traverse given angles and distances measured in the field.

  4. In traverse survey, latitude and departure, checks in a closed traverse, closing error, relative precision, bowditch’s rule, transit rule are details discuss.

  5. You close or balance a traverse by distributing the linear error of closure (one within the allowable maximum, of course) over the traverse. There are several methods of doing this, but the one most generally applied is based on the so-called compass rule.

  6. The horizontal point closure ratio is determined by dividing the linear distance misclosure of the survey into the overall circuit length of a traverse, loop, or network line/circuit.

  7. CLOSING A TRAVERSE. You close or balance a traverse by distributing the linear error of closure (one within the allowable maximum, of course) over the traverse. There are several methods of doing this, but the one most generally applied is based on the so-called compass rule.

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