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By establishing expectations for the community, the Code of Student Conduct (Code) serves as an integral part of the university’s educational mission. The processes set forth in the Code involve reflecting on decisions and improving decision-making skills.
- Code of Student Conduct - UMass Amherst
The University of Massachusetts Amherst is a scholarly...
- UMass Amherst Code of Student Conduct
Requestor must be a UMass Amherst student, program, or...
- Student Conduct and Community Standards Office - UMass Amherst
The Student Conduct and Community Standards Office supports...
- Code of Student Conduct - UMass Amherst
1 lip 2019 · The University of Massachusetts Amherst is a scholarly community united by its engagement in the exchange of ideas and the advancement of knowledge. By establishing expectations for the community, the Code of Student Conduct (Code) serves as an integral part of the University’s educational mission. The processes set forth in the Code involve
The regulations contained in the CSC apply to student conduct which occurs at the University of Massachusetts Amherst or on the grounds of the other four colleges within the Five College Consortium (Smith College, Amherst College, Hampshire College, Mount Holyoke College) or at any event sponsored by any of these institutions, and apply to viola...
By establishing expectations for the community, the Code of Student Conduct (Code) serves as an integral part of the University’s educational mission. The processes set forth in the Code involve reflecting on decisions and improving decision-making skills.
It is the University’s goal that as students make their way through any aspect of the conduct process, they will leave that process as better educated students, better members of the University community, and better global citizens. I. GENERAL INFORMATION. A. Jurisdiction. 1. The Code of Student Conduct (CSC) is applicable
Requestor must be a UMass Amherst student, program, or department. When submitting a tabling request, the requestor must provide the following information: a. Name of requestor(s) and affiliated organization (if applicable) .
The Student Conduct and Community Standards Office supports the educational goals of the Univers ity of Massachusetts Amherst by: E ducating the university community on the Code of Student Conduct (Code)