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  1. Stan's Daily Crossword delivers new crossword puzzles each day from Newsday's crossword editor, Stan Newman. Enjoy a brand-new puzzle today and tomorrow!

  2. Stan's Daily Crossword delivers new crossword puzzles each day from Newsday's crossword editor, Stan Newman. Enjoy a brand-new puzzle today and tomorrow!

  3. To download or print a PDF version of the puzzle or solution, you can also use the buttons below. This requires Acrobat Reader, which can be downloaded free here . Home | Solve Stan’s Puzzles | Stan’s Reading Room | Sail with Stan | About Stan | Contact Stan

  4. Stan's Daily Crossword delivers new crossword puzzles each day from Newsday's crossword editor, Stan Newman. Enjoy a brand-new puzzle today and tomorrow!

  5. Enjoy a brand-new puzzle today and tomorrow! Whether you're a beginner or an expert, each puzzle offers a fun challenge. Expand your vocabulary as you work through clever clues and hidden...

  6. Enjoy a brand-new puzzle today and tomorrow! Whether you're a beginner or an expert, each puzzle offers a fun challenge. Expand your vocabulary as you work through clever clues and hidden...

  7. Stan's Daily Crossword delivers new crossword puzzles each day from Newsday's crossword editor, Stan Newman. Enjoy a brand-new puzzle today and tomorrow! Whether you're a beginner or...