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Form 8962 Department of the Treasury Internal Revenue Service Premium Tax Credit (PTC) Attach to Form 1040, 1040-SR, or 1040-NR. Go to for instructions and the latest information. OMB No. 1545-0074. 2021. Attachment Sequence No. 73 . Name shown on your return. Your social security number. A.
Use Form 8962 to figure the amount of your premium tax credit (PTC) and reconcile it with advance payment of the premium tax credit (APTC).
taxes for 2021. Use the March 2021 revision of Form 941 only to report taxes for the quarter ending March 31, 2021. The June 2021 revision of Form 941 should be used for the second, third, and fourth quarters of 2021. If changes in law require additional changes to Form 941, the form and/or these instructions may be revised. Prior revisions of ...
Read the separate instructions before you complete Form 941-SS. Type or print within the boxes. Part 1: Answer these questions for this quarter. Number of employees who received wages, tips, or other compensation for the pay period including: June 12 (Quarter 2), Sept. 12 (Quarter 3), or Dec. 12 (Quarter 4) . . . . . . . Column 1 . Column 2 .
We ask for the information on Form 941 to carry out the Internal Revenue laws of the United States. We need it to figure and collect the right amount of tax. Subtitle C, Employment Taxes, of the Internal Revenue Code imposes employment taxes on wages and provides for income tax withholding. Form 941 is used to determine
Report for this Quarter of 2021 (Check one.) 1: January, February, March. 2: April, May, June. 3: July, August, September. 4: October, November, December. Go to . . for instructions and the latest information. Read the separate instructions before you complete Form 941. Type or print within the boxes.
22 lis 2023 · Form 8962 is used to calculate the amount of premium tax credit you’re eligible to claim if you paid premiums for health insurance purchased through the Health Insurance Marketplace....