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10 kwi 2011 · You can use ROW_NUMBER(). You can specify where conditions as well. (e.g. Name LIKE'MyName% in the following query) SELECT * FROM (SELECT ID, Name, Email, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY Email ORDER BY ID) AS RowNumber FROM MyTable WHERE Name LIKE 'MyName%') AS a WHERE a.RowNumber = 1
SELECT key, (array_agg(value))[1] AS value FROM tableX GROUP BY key ; You can optionally order values inside array to select biggest or smallest of them: SELECT key, (array_agg(value) ORDER BY value DESC)[1] AS value FROM tableX GROUP BY key ; (checked on PostgreSQL)
23 lut 2023 · As its name implies, the DISTINCT keyword is commonly used in a SQL SELECT statement to return a distinct set of values. This tip will look at several simple examples of using SELECT DISTINCT that you can copy, paste, and edit for your needs.
29 kwi 2024 · What is SELECT UNIQUE in SQL? What about SELECT DISTINCT? How do you retrieve unique data? We will answer these three and more questions in this article.
2 lut 2023 · Finding Unique References of Data. We can use SQL SELECT Distinct to find unique references of data. For example, we have a result set that shows different rows of a table and each row consists of columns.
By using the DISTINCT keyword in a function called COUNT, we can return the number of different countries. Example SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT Country) FROM Customers;
24 lip 2020 · If you want to check if all the values are unique and you care about NULL values, then do something like this: select (case when count(distinct column_name) = count(column_name) and (count(column_name) = count(*) or count(column_name) = count(*) - 1) then 'All Unique' else 'Duplicates' end) from table t;