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If you are using column names that start with a number then you need to use double quotes. For example:
The LIKE operator is used in a WHERE clause to search for a specified pattern in a column. There are two wildcards often used in conjunction with the LIKE operator: The percent sign % represents zero, one, or multiple characters
I've always seen and written my column aliases as. SELECT 1 as ColumnName but today came across a query that used. SELECT ColumnName = 1 Is there any difference in how these two queries get executed? Or is there a standard among DBAs about which one to use?
2 kwi 2009 · I would like to pull rows where a paricular column starts with a number. Is there a quicker way of doing that than this... column_a LIKE '0%' OR column_a LIKE '1%' OR column_a LIKE '2%' OR etc. Thanks.
28 lip 2021 · How to select rows where a text column starts by, ends by, or contains a string. Including slightly less trivial cases. To find strings that match a pattern, the LIKE operator is used. In the most trivial case, LIKE is identical to the = operator. These two queries are the same: SELECT id FROM book WHERE title LIKE 'Don Quijote';
20 kwi 2017 · SELECT p_begin.ProcessOrder, p_begin.ProcessDate as ProcessBegin, DateAdd(day, -1, p_end.ProcessDate) as ProcessEnd FROM Process p_begin LEFT OUTER JOIN Process p_end ON p_end.ProcessOrder = p_begin.ProcessOrder + 1
You can use regexp to query all rows that starts with several characters. SELECT * FROM table WHERE column REGEXP '^[ c1, c2, c3]'; This query will return all rows where column starts with 'c1' or 'c2' or 'c3'.