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Learning SQL eBook (PDF) Download this eBook for free. Chapters. Chapter 1: Getting started with SQL. Chapter 2: ALTER TABLE. Chapter 3: AND & OR Operators. Chapter 4: Cascading Delete. Chapter 5: CASE. Chapter 6: Clean Code in SQL.
Many SQL databases are implemented as client/server systems;...
- Cascading Delete
Cascading Delete - Learning SQL eBook (PDF) -...
- CREATE Database
CREATE Database - Learning SQL eBook (PDF) -
- Stored Procedures
Stored Procedures are SQL statements stored in the database...
- DROP or DELETE Database
DROP or DELETE Database - Learning SQL eBook (PDF) -...
- In Clause
In Clause - Learning SQL eBook (PDF) -
- Triggers
Triggers - Learning SQL eBook (PDF) -
CASE - Learning SQL eBook (PDF) -
Learning Microsoft SQL Server eBook (PDF) Download this eBook for free. Chapters. Chapter 1: Getting started with Microsoft SQL Server. Chapter 2: Advanced options. Chapter 3: Aggregate Functions. Chapter 4: Alias Names in Sql Server. Chapter 5: Analyzing a Query. Chapter 6: Backup and Restore Database.
You can down‐load it at Be sure to choose Windows, Mac, or Linux for your respective OS. Then open the downloaded folder and copy it to a loca‐tion of your choice. No installation is needed. To start SQLiteStudio, double-click SQLiteStudio.exe (Figure 3-1).
1 cze 2021 · Fetch all names that start with any letter followed by 'atherine': SELECT name FROM names WHERE name LIKE '_atherine'; Fetch all names that end with 'a': SELECT name FROM names WHERE name LIKE '%a'; USEFUL FUNCTIONS. Get the count of characters in a string: SELECT LENGTH('');-- result: 12 Convert all letters to lowercase: SELECT ...
SQL Window Functions Cheat Sheet. WINDOW FUNCTIONS. Window functions compute their result based on a sliding window frame, a set of rows that are somehow related to the current row. AGGREGATE FUNCTIONS VS. WINDOW FUNCTIONS. Unlike aggregate functions, window functions do not collapse rows. current row. SYNTAX. SELECT city, month, SUM(sold) OVER (
SQL: The Complete Reference describes the SQL features and functions that are available in the most popular SQL-based DBMS products and those that are described in the ANSI/ISO SQL standards.
What is SQL? Syntax & Structure. 1 | RETRIEVING DATA WITH SQL. The SELECT Statement. The FROM Clause. Limiting Data by Specifying Columns. SQL Predicates. Returning DISTINCT Rows. TOP. The WHERE Clause. Comparison Operators. Logical Operators. Dealing with Ranges & Wildcards. Operator Precedence. The ORDER BY Clause.