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27 paź 2009 · There's no direct support for LIKE operator against DATETIME variables, but you can always cast the DATETIME to a VARCHAR: SELECT (list of fields) FROM YourTable WHERE CONVERT(VARCHAR(25), register_date, 126) LIKE '2009-10-10%'
22 lis 2024 · In this article, we covered ways to retrieve rows with a DATETIME column equal to today’s date in PostgreSQL, MySQL, and SQL Server. While functions like CAST() or DATE() are simple, they may impact performance on large databases by limiting index usage.
15 mar 2022 · In this tutorial, you will learn how to use dates and times in SQL. You’ll begin by performing arithmetic and using various functions with dates and times using only the SELECT statement. Then you’ll practice by running queries on sample data, and you’ll learn how to implement the CAST function to make the output more digestible to read.
9 kwi 2021 · SQL Server provides several different functions that return the current date time including: GETDATE(), SYSDATETIME(), and CURRENT_TIMESTAMP. The GETDATE() and CURRENT_TIMESTAMP functions are interchangeable and return a datetime data type.
Learn how to query and manipulate date and time data in SQL Server using datetime and timestamp values. Discover how to retrieve the current date and time, filter records between specific dates or timestamps, extract parts of a timestamp, find the day of the week, and convert timestamps to Unix timestamps for easier comparison and calculation.
DATETIME - format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MI:SS; TIMESTAMP - format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MI:SS; YEAR - format YYYY or YY; SQL Server comes with the following data types for storing a date or a date/time value in the database: DATE - format YYYY-MM-DD; DATETIME - format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MI:SS; SMALLDATETIME - format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MI:SS; TIMESTAMP - format: a ...
To get all the records where record created date is today's date Use the code after WHERE clause. I like the concept; but some servers require GETDATE () instead. Easy way out is to use a condition like this ( use desired date > GETDATE ()-1) your sql statement "date specific" > GETDATE ()-1.