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  1. 20 lip 2019 · SELECT first_name, last_name FROM sales.customers ORDER BY 1, 2; In this example, 1 means the first_name column and 2 means the last_name column. Using the ordinal positions of columns in the ORDER BY clause is considered as bad programming practice for a couple of reasons.

  2. The Stark Ever After novellas are here. You can read the four full-length books without reading the novellas. But if you want the full, chronological experience, then follow this order: The reading order is: Release Menovel; Claim Menovel; Complete Menovel

  3. Rozpocznij pobieranie plików programu Microsoft SQL Server. Wybierz wersję próbną, edycję, narzędzie lub łącznik programu SQL Server, które najlepiej spełniają Twoje wymagania dotyczące danych i obciążeń.

  4. The ORDER BY keyword sorts the records in ascending order by default. To sort the records in descending order, use the DESC keyword.

  5. Klauzula ORDER BY służy do porządkowania wyników zapytania po zadanej kolumnie i w zadanej kolejności. Wypiszmy 5 pierwszych wyników z zapytania wyszukującego nazwiska i imiona osób z tabeli uczeń w kolejności alfabetycznej.

  6. Series list: A Stark Novel (20 Books) by J. Kenner. A sortable list in reading order and chronological order with publication date, genre, and rating.

  7. The “Starkseries is a set of romance novels by paranormal, suspense, and romance novelist Julie Kenner who also writes as J. Kenner. She is an international bestselling, New York Times, Wall Street Journal, USA Today, and Publishers Weekly author of more than a hundred short stories, novellas, and novels in several genres.

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