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  1. Czasownik split — odmiana i wymowa trzech form czasownika nieregularnego z nagranymi przykładami w zdaniach. Poznaj i zapamiętaj bezokolicznik (infinitive), II formę (past tense) i III formę (past participle).

  2. PAST PERFECT - dla czynności lub zdarzenia dokonanego przed innym zdarzeniem w przeszłości: I heard that you had taken my umbrella. - po wyrażeniach: It was the first time ... It was the second time … It was the third time … It was the best ... It was the worst … Czasu PAST PERFECT używamy jedynie wtedy, kiedy opowiadamy o zdarzeniach w

  3. › download › list-of-irregular-verbsPDF exercises + grammar rules

    split split split spoil spoiled/spoilt spoiled/spoilt spread spread spread spring sprang sprung stand stood stood steal stole stolen stick stuck stuck sting stung stung stink stank stunk stride strode stridden strike struck struck string strung strung strive strove striven swear swore sworn sweep swept swept

  4. The tables below show how "split" conjugates in the past, present, and future tenses. The simple past tense is for a completed activity that happened in the past. The past progressive tense is for an ongoing activity in the past. Often, it is used to set the scene for another action.

  5. Both actions happened in the past so we use the past simple tense. However, we can also combine the sentences: Mary rang John’s doorbell at 8:15 yesterday but John had already left the house. We use the past perfect (had left) because the action happened before another action in the past (Mary rang the doorbell.)

  6. The Most Common Irregular Verbs List PDF exercises + grammar rules: www.e be was/were been bear bore born beat beat beaten ...

  7. Want to learn about the irregular verb 'Split'? We've got all you need: clear definitions, conjugations, and usage examples for effective learning.

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