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Translation for 'sondaż' in the free Polish-English dictionary and many other English translations.
See the development of public opinion in the EU Member State according to the Eurobarometer’s key indicator questions presented over time.
Nearly seven in ten respondents (69%) agree that the EU has sufficient power and tools to defend the economic interests of Europe in the global economy. Similarly, 69% agree that the European Union is a place of stability in a troubled world. 74% of Europeans in the EU as a whole and 81% of Europeans in the euro area are for the common currency ...
Translation for 'sondaże' in the free Polish-English dictionary and many other English translations.
9 sty 2024 · Sondaże te obejmują szeroki zakres kwestii, skupiając się na postrzeganiu UE przez obywateli oraz na ich oczekiwaniach wobec działań UE, a także na głównych wyzwaniach, przed jakimi stoi Unia.
Euronews Polls Centre builds its parliamentary graphs, polls and projections from an array of sources. Our Euronews Polls Average is developed using publicly available polls from across the...