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I will monitor the social life of groups and individuals, and observe contexts of consumption - such as superstores, clothes boutiques, sport centers - where those different groups interact.
What is needed is an anthropological focus informed by both macro theory and the heterogeneity of the micro as captured by the ethnographic method. It is important to update the literature on the workplace and the subjectifying technologies at play there in light of new changes in organisational structure and managerial technologies.
offer important information regarding its geography, population (if relevant), and social composition. If you will be doing multi-sited ethnography, discuss your plans on dividing up time between the sites.
New media as a research tool on social networks, digital technology, blogs, etc. Organized around multimedia projects and class exercises, this course will show how different groups use new media in the construction of new identities, virtual communities, and new forms of political participation.
Anthropology as a moral practice aims not to explain social phenomena (whether on the basis of evolutionary or structural or psychoanalytical laws) so much as to witness the ways in which people struggle to manage the common imperatives of human existence.
27 sty 2018 · In this chapter, we present the major anthropological currents that directly or indirectly made use of the notion of society in their theoretical reflections and analyses of empirical data.
5 lip 2011 · The article investigates the social meanings that can be found in the sharing economy by adopting a sociological perspective to study different platforms and practices that embody new...