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  1. 13 paź 2022 · समाजशास्त्र का अर्थ एवं परिप्रेक्ष्य. प्रस्तावना: समाजशास्त्र एक सामाजिक विज्ञान है जिसका मुख्य उद्देश्य मानव समाज के सामाजिक संरचना का आध्ययन करना है। सामाजिक संबंधों के ताने-बाने से बने समाज कि एक अपनी अलग पहचान है।.

  2. M.A. Programme in Anthropology Semester-I Paper-I: Social Anthropology Unit-I: Meaning and scope of anthropology; branches of anthropology; relationship of social and cultural anthropology with other social sciences. Unit-II: History of social anthropology; ethnology, ethnography and social anthropology; fieldwork tradition.

  3. U.S. Misra & Nadeem Hasnain : Introducing Social-Cultural Anthropology (Also available in Hindi) Paper - II : Human Evolution Unit-I. Evolutionary Anthropology – its scope, place in Physical Anthropology and other branches of Anthropology . Origin of Life and Evidence of Evolution.

  4. anthropology, there is a greater need to differentiate it from the concept of society. The first unit, will deal with what the society essentially refers to as complex patterns of social relationships, and culture as designed for living. In the second unit, the focus is on the important social groupings. The social groups are broadly

  5. Meaning and Scope of Social-Cultural Anthropology and its relationship with other social sciences. Society and Community, Groups and Institution, Status and Role, Caste and Class, Written and unwritten language, speech, language and dialect, phonemes and morphemes defined and distinguished.

  6. You shall be able to get an informative background of the basic socio-anthropological concepts, like Society, Social Structure, Social Organization and Community. You will also learn the basic introductory background about all the basic social institutions.

  7. In social anthropology, we emphasise the economic institutions of traditional societies where the systems of production, distribution and consumption are socially regulated, organised and reproduced.

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