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  1. › in › etiwandaLog in - Clever

  2. › Student › DashboardLogin - Coltech

    Enter your ID Number (if you have a valid RSA ID Document) or Passport Number (if you are a foreign student).

  3. If you are a prospective student, not registered at this institution, please select the following option: Apply, Register, Change personal information, get academic and other information and make payments.

  4. 1 dzień temu · The Objective of NEMIS is to help streamline the data management for informed decision-making and planning of the education sector by hosting student / pupil data, linked to a Unique Identifier that is randomly generated using a verifiable algorithm.

  5. › Parent › LoginAeries: Portals

    24 paź 2011 · Sign In. Forgot Password? Get the Aeries Mobile Portal App! Parent/Student Portal Login Page.

  6. › current-students › student-portalStudent Portal - ECU Sri Lanka

    Access the student portal for college students.