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  1. › help › imagesimsharpen - MathWorks

    B = imsharpen(A) sharpens the grayscale or truecolor (RGB) image A by using the unsharp masking method. B = imsharpen(A,Name,Value) uses name-value arguments to control aspects of the unsharp masking. Read an image into the workspace and display it. Sharpen the image using the imsharpen function and display it.

    • Lab2rgb

      lab2rgb supports the generation of C code (requires MATLAB ®...

    • Imcontrast

      When you use the Adjust Contrast tool, imcontrast adjusts...

    • Rgb2lab

      rgb2lab supports the generation of C code (requires MATLAB ®...

    • Imadjust

      imadjust supports the generation of C code (requires MATLAB...

    • Fspecial

      fspecial supports the generation of C code (requires MATLAB...

    • Imsharpen

      Starting in R2022a, imsharpen uses different color space...

  2. 18 kwi 2016 · Use im2double to convert your image (most likely uint8) to double precision. When performing sharpening, this maintains precision and prematurely casting to uint8 then performing the subtraction will give you unintended side effects.

  3. 8 gru 2022 · Explanation of code: MatLab program explanation for edge sharpening. a=imread(“cameraman.jpg”); This line reads the image in variable a. Lap=[0 1 0; 1 -4 1; 0 1 0]; This line defines the Laplacian filter. a1=conv2(a Lap,’ same’); This line convolves the image with the Laplacian filter.

  4. 1 sty 2016 · You can use conv2 () or imfilter (). For example. kernel = kernel / sum (kernel (:)); % Normalize sum to 1. That's one way. Or you can use a Difference of Gaussians image built with two calls to imgaussfilt (), or two to fspecial and then one to imfilter (which might be faster than two imgaussfilt () calls). I did write down the code.

  5. function varargout = laplacian (varargin) % LAPLACIAN MATLAB code for laplacian.fig % LAPLACIAN, by itself, creates a new LAPLACIAN or raises the existing % singleton*. % % H = LAPLACIAN returns the handle to a new LAPLACIAN or the handle to % the existing singleton*.

  6. This collection of scripts and tutorials is designed to provide an in-depth understanding of various image processing techniques using MATLAB. - Datriks/Matlab_image_processing

  7. 22 wrz 2015 · here you will find a matlab code which will be useful in implementing the basic smoothing (integrate or low pass filter) filters and Sharpening (Differentiate or high pass filter)

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