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We are a Reform Jewish congregation in Pittsburgh, PA dedicated to melding the traditions of our faith with contemporary life.
2 paź 2024 · services hel d in the sanctuary will be streamed live. How do I watch? Just return to this page during one of the below service times or watch on our Facebook or YouTube pages.
This is the official YOUTUBE CHANNEL for Temple Ohav Shalom in Pittsburgh!
Enriching lives through community, lifelong Jewish learning, & spiritual growth! Congregation Beth Shalom is a vibrant and engaging egalitarian Conservative Jewish community.
The official Live streaming of Shalom Television.
Partner with Shalom World TV to share the Good News to 375 million worldwide. DAILY MASS; SHOWS; EPISODES; NEWS; WATCH ON; MORE. About Us. 24/7 Commercial-Free, Catholic, Family Entertainment Channel.. Peace Fellowship. Be part of the Shalom family through your monthly gifts... Media Gallery. Add Shalom World Media Gallery to your website for ...
13 lut 2019 · Bo pokój - shalom, którego Bóg chce dla nas, to pełna równowaga całego naszego życia. To ma na myśli psalmista w Psalmie 4, kiedy mówi "spokojnie zasypiam, kiedy się położę, bo tylko Ty jeden Panie, pozwalasz mi żyć bezpiecznie". To jest Boży pokój, dzięki któremu możemy spać spokojnie każdego dnia.