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The Shadow Dungeon is the dungeon used during Desert Treasure I, where players fight Damis. To access the dungeon, players must use the ladder east of Baxtorian Falls, near Rasolo. To be able to see the ladder, players are required to wear the ring of visibility or the ring of shadows.
During master clues, players are given three cryptic clues in one step. Players must go to the destination each cryptic provides and dig at the correct spot, or talk to the correct NPC, to obtain a torn part of the next step. When all three are obtained, they can be combined into either a new clue step, or the reward casket. 2 musical birds.
2 lip 2023 · From the wiki: Dig on the north-eastern-most corner of the Shadow Dungeon. Bring a ring of visibility.
Master Clues. If solving a master clue, when you dig at the dig spot, you will be attacked by a Brassican Mage in a single-combat area, or three Ancient Wizards if your clue leads you to a multi-combat area. In the fight against the Brassican Mage, his attacks are not affected by protection prayers; however, ranged armour seems to help.
During master clues, players are given three cryptic clues. Players must go to the destination each cryptic provides and dig at the correct spot to obtain a torn part of the clue scroll. When all three are obtained they automatically fuse to become the next step in the treasure trail or a casket.
The Shadow Dungeon is a dungeon in Kandarin where players fight Damis for Desert Treasure. It is also a good place to train Magic with Ancient Magicks after the quest.
Run through DKS dungeon and dig above the ladder leading directly into where the kings spawn. Great Demons, dragons, and spiders protect this blue rock, beneath which, you may find what you seek.