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A food web diagram illustrates ‘what eats what’ in a particular habitat. Pictures represent the organisms that make up the food web, and their feeding relationships are typically shown with arrows. The arrows represent the transfer of energy and always point from the organism being eaten to the one that is doing the eating. Trophic levels
At AnimalWised, we discover the food chain of the ocean, learning how energy and matter pass between species to create some of the most diverse ecosystems on the planet. We also learn about how specific aquatic food chains exist within the context of a large marine ecosystem food web.
Estes and colleague John Palmisano discovered that the kelp forests of the North Pacific are indirectly regulated by sea otters, which feed on sea urchins that consume kelp. The presence or absence of sea otters causes a cascade of direct and indirect effects down the food chain, which in turn affect the structure of the ecosystem.
Baleen whales can consume zooplankton and krill directly, leading to a food chain with only three or four trophic levels.
19 paź 2023 · Level One: Photo autotrophs The foundation of the sea's food chain is largely invisible. Countless billions of one-celled organisms, called phytoplankton , saturate sunlit upper-ocean waters worldwide.
Whales and Food Chains Key Concepts 1. Whales, descendents of land animals that returned to the sea long ago, have special adaptations to help them survive in the marine environment. 2. The movement of energy and matter from one organism to another in an ecosystem is often diagrammed as a food chain. 3. At each step in a food chain, only about 10%
A classic example of a trophic cascade is the example to the right describing the relationship between orcas, sea otters, sea urchins, and kelp forests along the coasts of Alaska. It was found that an increase in killer whale predation was drastically reducing sea otter populations.