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The SCPS Dividends Volunteer application may be completed from your home or school site. Please bring your government issued ID for every SCPS visit. For your FIRST visit, please check-in at the front desk in order to complete your Volunteer profile.
The 2024-2025 SCPS Dividends Application is now open. Whether you're one of our Board Members, Committee member or plan to help us out at an event, you must be an approved Dividend. It takes just a few moments so this is great time to check it off your To Do List!
To volunteer at any SCPS school, including as field trip chaperones, you must be a registered Dividends Volunteer. Even if you have registered in the past, you must update your information each school year. Visit the Dividends Volunteer Program website for more information.
The SCPS Dividends/Volunteer application may be completed from your home or school site. You will need to register online before you may volunteer at Sanford Middle School or chaperone a field trip. Please note that younger siblings may not accompany Dividends. Please bring your government issued I.D. for every SCPS visit.
To volunteer at any SCPS school, including as field trip chaperones, you must be a registered Dividends Volunteer. Even if you have registered in the past, you must update your information each school year.
The SCPS Dividends/Volunteer application may be completed from your home or school site. You will need to register online before you may volunteer at Milwee Middle School or chaperone a field trip. Please note that younger siblings may not accompany Dividends.
Our volunteers are organized through Seminole County's "Dividend" Program." We need your help to enhance the learning experiences of our students. If you, your friends, or neighbors have free time and would like to work with children, let us know. Please fill out a Dividend Volunteer Application.