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School District boundary data last updated in 2021 Source: Ohio DAS GIS Support Center and Cleveland State University in partnership with the Ohio Department of Education
18 sty 2021 · There are 1334 high school codes in Ohio today, according to the ACT. The full list is shown in the table below, with name of each high school and the city where the school is located (based on the ACT official site). You can search a school code by pressing “Ctrl” + “F” and type school name. High School Codes by City
For the most up-to-date and detailed information on each district, please contact the local county board of elections.
This section of the Ohio HomeTownLocator Gazetteer provides basic information for Ohio schools including name, address, phone number, school district contact information plus maps of school locations, attendance zones or boundary maps where availiable.
2020 Ohio Taxing School Districts School District Number School District Name (Counties) Decimal Rate 1907 Versailles EVSD (Darke, Shelby) 0.0100 1.00% 2001 Ayersville LSD (Defiance) 0.0100 1.00% 2002 Central LSD (Defiance, Williams) 0.0125 1.25% 2003 Defiance CSD (Defiance, Paulding) 0.0050 0.50% 2004 Hicksville EVSD (Defiance) 0.0150 1.50%
Map and Boundaries - Dublin City Schools. Skip To Main Content. Close Menu. Search. Clear. Search. About. Culture and Values; ... High School Student Code of Conduct; High School Student Services; PATHS Handbook. PATHS - Student Support Services; PATHS - Student Health ... OH. 43017. 614-764-5913. Links & Resources. Calendars; Employment; Quick ...
Cuyahoga County, Ohio Notice to buyer: The Cuyahoga County Board of Elections cannot guarantee the absolute accuracy of the data purchased. The information contained on this map reflects the most recent update of our records. In the unlikely event serious data problems are detected, please contact the GIS Technician at (216) 443-6686.