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  2. One of the most foundational aspects of a faithful Christian ethic is the truth that we are made in the image of God. In this message, Dr. Stephen Nichols explores what it means for men and...

  3. In this presentation, Martyn Iles shares the three ways in which we image God, the limitations of our similarities, the sinful nature of mankind, and the perfection of Jesus Christ.

  4. Learn about being 'born again,' the three phases of ...more. Embark on a spiritual journey with 'Made Like New,' a series that explores the profound connection between God's image and...

  5. Znajdziesz w nim atrakcyjne pakiety edukacyjne i nowości w ofercie Sages! Wachlarz rozwiązań, stworzonych przez ekspertów i praktyków w dziedzinie najnowszych technologii. Oferujemy szeroki katalog ponad 400 szkoleń IT z technologii mainstreamowych i specjalistycznych, wschodzących i legacy.

  6. Tune in every Tuesday for an exhilarating exploration of what it truly means to be Created in the Image of God. Join Wade Fransson and his esteemed guests as...

  7. We Are Messengers - Image Of God (feat. Vince Gill) [Acoustic Video] - YouTube. Click here to stream/download "Image Of God (feat. Vince Gill)":...

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