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The Russian-language media of Chicago present important news, upcoming events, and interesting entertainment content, as well as advertisement about companies and their services in Russian. Among very popular rubrics you can find the ones that contain private announcements and live interviews.
Русскоговорящая община Чикаго состоит из представителей всех республик бывшего Советского Союза. Наши соотечественники прибывают в США с разными целями, среди которых лидируют ...
Despite living in one of the more culturally diverse cities in America (Chicago), I have rarely come across Russian Americans, Russian restaurants, or significant Russian American communities.
Our House Chicago is an educational non-profit, Russian-language school and a community of Russian-speakers in downtown Chicago. Our national heritage is varied – we are from the US, Ukraine, Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Georgia, Armenia and many other lands.
Ukrainian Village is a Chicago neighborhood located on the near west side of Chicago. Its boundaries are Division Street to the north, Grand Avenue to the south, Western Avenue to the west (although some maps extend to Campbell Street to the west), and Damen Avenue to the east. [1] .
Within the city, the Devon Avenue area has a decent Russian/Jewish community, but like I said many of those businesses have closed down and moved to the suburbs. Ukrainian Village might have some Russian presence but a lot of the Eastern European influence seems to be gone.
There is a large Russian community in Chicago (not as large as the Polish community - but still large!).