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Vecina vas zna RP Pravila, ali evo za novajlije. Mozete nauciti RP Pravila, uz njih i primere. Krenimo!
There are a few factors you must consider for fearRP to apply. 1. Distance - The distance must be short enough that a reasonable person would fear the weapon. 2. Location - The location of where it takes place if a reasonable person can not easily get away/get to cover to produce a firearm. 3.
10 lis 2020 · [PG] Power Gaming – zmuszanie kogoś do akcji RP, bez możliwości reakcji. [MG] Meta Gaming – wykorzystanie informacji OOC w IC. [CN] Celebrity Name – Dane sławnych osób, takie postacie są od razu usuwane.
Naucite sva RP Pravila: (RP)... - Balkan Family SAMP. (RP) [RolePlay] - Simulacija stvarnog života. (RL) [RealLife] - Stvarni život , često će se pominjati u toku igranja ova skraćenica. (BH) [BunnyHop] - kada skačete učestalo sa likom bez prestanka ili skakanje s biciklom. (DM) [DeathMatch] - Ubijanje ljudi bez RP razloga.
6 sty 2022 · 5.6c FearRP is a loose concept and may not apply to all roleplay situations, meaning it is generally dependent on the people roleplaying to do so realistically. Staff members are free to make any decisions related to FearRP as long as they are compliant with the rules above and are realistic.
15 gru 2021 · In this section, we’ll cover some common Server Rules and RP Terms you should know as well as common in character lingo. GTA RP - ROLEPLAY TERMS, RULES, LINGO, TERMINOLOGY, CHARACTER SLANG + more! RP – Stands for roleplay. When you roleplay, you take on the persona of a character.
7 lis 2020 · Bez dozvole od Faction Managmenta I Leadera bicete izbaceni iz fakcije za korupciju. Povlacenje/ Stavljanje u auto – potrebno je svaki clanovi Sheriffa, Policije I MD-a da koriste /me /do u situaciji u kojoj je umesan igrac. Ovo je za hapsenje I za vodjenje igraca do bolnice.