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Key dates for Gypsy, Roma and Traveller people throughout history. The rich and diverse histories of Gypsy, Roma and Traveller people are largely absent from classrooms, books and museums. The timeline across these pages gives a small glimpse into the international histories of Gypsies, Roma and Travellers. There are many diferent people and ...
In the timeline below, we include key dates in history for people of Romany Gypsy, Irish Traveller, Roma and Scottish Gypsy Traveller ethnicities. We include the events below as a starting point for your further reading and learning. 998AD People with Roma heritage travelled from northwest India as prisoners, slaves and soldiers. Theories ...
Romany Gypsies first recorded in England were incorrectly thought to have travelled from Egypt. In 1530, Henry VIII’s ‘Egyptians Act’ expelled Romany Gypsies in England. In 1554, Queen Mary ruled that being a Gypsy was punishable by death. Irish people began to split from the general population around 12 generations ago in the 1600s -
The Roma (Gypsies) are a European mino rity whose history has been very little stu died - a fact that has given rise to much false information and many stereotypes about them. Although the fact that the Gypsies ori ginally came to Europe from India has been known for more than 200 years, their history
The atlas of Gypsy history strives to illustrate and explain the history of the Gypsy people from ancient until modern times through 52 maps with explanatory notes, with its focus mainly on Europe.
40 Specialist literature on the history of the Gypsies contains some opinions that confer an important role upon Romanian territory in the context of the European migration of the Gypsies during the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries. According to Carl Hopf, who dealt specifically with the problem of the migration of the Gypsies in a work that ...
Migrations of the Romani People. Read the text below. The Romani are a people and culture mostly native to central Europe. There are many sub-groups of Romani people including, Roma, Sinti, Kale, and Manush. Sometimes, Romani people are called Gypsies, although this is not the preferred term.