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  1. › downloadDownload Roblox

    Download the Roblox app to use Roblox on your smartphone, tablet, computer, console, VR headset, and more.

  2. Roblox to gra komputerowa stworzona dla graczy w wieku 8-18 lat. Jak twierdzą producenci, jest to gra edukacyjna, która uczy dzieci programowania komputerowego, elementów matematyki oraz rozwija wyobraźnię przestrzenną i zdolność kreatywnego myślenia.

  3. www.roblox.comRoblox

    Roblox is the ultimate virtual universe that lets you create, share experiences with friends, and be anything you can imagine. Join millions of people and discover an infinite variety of immersive experiences created by a global community!

  4. Learn how to get started using Roblox in the classroom. Find teacher training, get lessons, and discover experiences to play.

  5. › assets › educationWhat is Roblox Education?

    To support 100 million students learning on Roblox and Roblox Studio by 2030. Roblox Education invests in amplifying and bringing high-quality educational experiences to our platform to help educators and students explore phenomena, practice skills, and learn together.

  6. Understand how Roblox is a platform that hosts games and virtual learning experiences. Know what it means to run Roblox, such as costs and hardware. Be able to articulate the unique advantages compared to other digital learning tools.

  7. Pobierz aplikację Roblox, aby korzystać z platformy Roblox na smartfonie, tablecie, komputerze, konsoli, goglach VR i nie tylko.

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