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(RIGHT) ON CUE definition: as if planned to happen exactly at that moment: . Learn more.
(right) on cue definicja: as if planned to happen exactly at that moment: . Dowiedź się więcej.
(right) on cue At exactly the most (or least) opportune moment, as if on purpose. We had just been talking about the awful new company initiative when, on cue, the CEO walked into the room.
31 paź 2024 · The meaning of ON CUE is at the exact moment one would expect. How to use on cue in a sentence.
(right/as if) on cue meaning, definition, what is (right/as if) on cue: happening or done at exactly the right m...: Learn more.
Right on cue definition: at exactly the right moment. Check meanings, examples, usage tips, pronunciation, domains, related words.
right on cue - tłumaczenie na polski oraz definicja. Co znaczy i jak powiedzieć "right on cue" po polsku? - jak na zawołanie, właśnie w tym momencie.