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Region One Education Service Center (Region One) was awarded nearly $5 million from the U.S. Department of Education to expand access to school-based mental health services for students, which includes training for counselors, social workers and other mental health professionals.
Region one is hosting a Farm and Food Worker Relief Application Drive Sat., Jan. 27th from 9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. at the Region One ESC in Edinburg. See flyer for details and requirements....
We cater to every facet of educational needs, from the teacher in the classroom that needs an extra hand, to the budding principal learning to lead and to the district that needs a new curriculum. From the macro to the micro, we have something for you. Ready For Our Services? View our whole catalog on our online page.
6 gru 2024 · February 27-28, 2025 | Region One ESC Enhance college, career, and military readiness programs with actionable strategies and resources to help educators and administrators better support students in achieving their academic and professional goals.
Region One ESC Human Resources, Edinburg, Texas. 2,069 likes · 5 were here. Region One Education Service Center- Office of Human Resources.
Our Early Childhood Intervention program (ECI) serves children in Hidalgo and Cameron Counties from birth to 3 years of age who have physical disabilities and developmental delays.
Explore the abundant opportunities for students to acquire valuable workforce credentials through Region One. Our programs provide students with access to a diverse range of industry-recognized certifications and credentials, including healthcare, manufacturing, employability skills and more.