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Really Great Reading offers a family of complimentary diagnostic decoding assessments to help educators understand their students' word-level reading skills. In 5 to 7 minutes per student, discover whether decoding deficits are inhibiting your students' ability to read.
- Progress Monitoring
We make assessment and grouping practical, efficient, and...
- Diagnostic Decoding Surveys
Our complimentary Diagnostic Decoding Surveys are an easy...
- Progress Monitoring
Our complimentary Diagnostic Decoding Surveys are an easy and efficient way to detect when students are having word-level reading difficulties, and pinpoint their specific decoding weaknesses.
We make assessment and grouping practical, efficient, and accurate. Our approach to reading instruction is research-based, interactive, explicit, structured, and multisensory. In our lessons, students not only learn to read, but enjoy the intelligent and age appropriate learning process.
The Diagnostic Decoding Surveys enable one-on-one assessment of phonics skills for struggling readers from the middle of first grade through adulthood. The surveys are efficient and easy...
Our complimentary Diagnostic Decoding Surveys are an easy and efficient way to detect when students are having word-level reading difficulties, and pinpoint their specific decoding weaknesses. Our two most popular surveys are the Beginning and Advanced Decoding Surveys.
These case studies discuss the Diagnostic Decoding Survey scores for four students at different grade levels, including an analysis of the survey data and suggestions or recommendations for further assessment.
The Diagnostic Decoding Surveys enable one-on-one assessment of phonics skills for struggling readers from the middle of first grade through adulthood. The surveys are efficient and easy...