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  1. What the Rapture is. The rapture of the Church will be a glorious event which will come about at the close of the Church Age. At that time the Lord Jesus will resurrect those who have died in Christ and catch them up to meet Him in the air (I Thess. 4:13-18).

  2. I believe that next on the program of God comes the Rapture when He will take the church out of the world. Then after that I believe there will be a time of Great Tribulation, which is concluded with the return of Christ to the earth to set up His kingdom.

  3. The Rapture. 1 Thessalonians 4:13-17. INTRODUCTION: A. Perhaps you have seen these or similar bumper stickers: 1. “In the event of rapture this car will be without a driver.” 2. “In the event of rapture this car will be empty.” B. The person having such a bumper sticker believes himself to be among the redeemed of God. 1.

  4. The ‘Rapture’ is an interpretation based on a number of passages of scripture which prophesy that all saved believers (as distinct from unsaved members of the professing church), who are alive at the time of this event, will be caught up in the air to meet Christ, will receive immortalised or glorified bodies, and will dwell thereafter with Chri...

  5. John 14:1-3 - This passage is often misused to refer to the death of the believer. It actually refers to the rapture. In death the believer departs to be with Christ (2 Cor. 5:6-8; Phil. 1:21-23; 2 Tim. 4:6-8) and his soul is taken there by the angels (Luke 16:22).

  6. 4 paź 2019 · In the Rapture, believers meet the Lord in the air: For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first.

  7. • At the Second Coming, Christ comes to the earth; at the Rapture, Christ descends from heaven and the body of Christ meets Him in the air. • The Second Coming of Christ is a public appearance that the world will witness (Matthew 24:30; Revelation 1:7); the Rapture takes place quicker than the blink of an eye. 1 Corinthians 15:52

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