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QWOP to gra zręcznościowa, w której musisz kontrolować ruch nóg atlety, aby postać poruszała się do przodu, starając się uniknąć przewrócenia. Musisz to wszystko zrobić tylko za pomocą klawiszy Q, W, O i P!
QWOP is a skill game where you must control the movement of the athlete's legs to make the character move forward while trying to avoid falling over. You must do all of this only using the Q, W, O and P keys!
Click to begin playing. Use the QWOP keys to move your legs, but remember, it's not about whether you win or lose.
QWOP is developed by foddy. Just Have Fun! Race in the Olympic in this funny and hard ragdoll physics game.
12 lis 2008 · QWOP is a simple game about running extremely fast down a 100 meter track. QWOP has developed quite a following online, spawning comics, speedrun videos, parody videos, and weird Japanese homage videos where the man is replaced with a 3D schoolgirl on the moon.
10 lip 2021 · Wolę liniowe doświadczenia niż otwarte światy i ogrom swobody - o iluzji i ciężarze wolności w grach; 15 fajnych gier z multi, w których spokojnie pogadasz ze znajomymi
15 sty 2024 · If you’re looking for a fun and addicting game to play online, QWOP is the perfect challenge for you. When you play, you control a runner but can only move their individual leg muscles by pressing Q, W, O, and P.