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  1. We now have a latest page showing the… latest 10 quotes. Quotes is now paginated with 10 quotes per page. Edit: Random is now available. 2024-11-02. We are now on gemini protocol if you’re into that kind of thing: 2024-10-28. Our irc channel now gets updates when new quotes are added, so feel free to channel lurk if that’s your thing.

  2. was a collection of classic quotes sourced from IRC channels and an important archive of online culture. Unfortunately, after sixteen years, it went offline without warning in July 2023.

  3. Quotes Database System (formerly Salty Quotes Database, named so because it was made for the development site is a small script written by Kyle Florence a few years ago that will store IRC quotes, it's like your own personal

  4. Browse away to your amusement, and feel free to add some quotes yourself. If you like or dislike a quote, vote with the + and - links.

  5.; Browse; Top Rated; Random; Created by Alexis Williams with Astro and Svelte.All quotes are unchanged from and may be inappropriate or offensive, but are preserved for accuracy. The code for this site is under the MIT License and is available on GitHub . MIT License and is available on GitHub .

  6. ShellQDB is, as the name says, a quote database (for IRC channels and the like) coded in shell scripts for flexibility and extensibility (however, the web frontend also uses html and php, and various import or export scripts have other dependencies).

  7. QDB: Latest 50 Quotes Home / Latest / Browse / Random >0 / Top 100-200 ... <PeteRepeat> oh fuck. <PeteRepeat> if ken shows up, make sure he doesn't know that im at the beach digging for his body. i don't want him to think i care or anything. ... <Anonymous> Okay, here s the best part. A biter got me today when I was grocery stopping. He broke ...

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