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  1. 21 gru 2017 · QSPostsCBTS3.9.0.pdf Full transcription of the original posts from Q on 4chan & 8chan, Anon's analysis/theories, useful info graphs and links added. >_Original Q posts logs, sourced and linked. >_Worldwide events listed and sourced. >_Graphical Info charts and different "how to".

  2. A machine readable archive of QAnon drops for research only - jkingsman/JSON-QAnon

  3. › analizy_i_raporty › qanon-rok-po-burzyQAnon – rok po Burzy - Demagog

    6 sty 2022 · QAnon łączy w jedną narrację teorię o głębokim państwie, aferę Pizzagate (czyli szajkę pedofilii z ramienia Demokratów), proroctwa Wielkiego Przebudzenia (Great Awakening), teorię Nowego Porządku oraz 10 dni mroku, a nawet reptilian.

  4. 29 cze 2022 · Within hours of Q’s new posts (also known as “Q drops”), QAnon adherents had already begun “baking” (decoding) the drops, generating a range of theories about their meaning and why Q had returned.

  5. Since the movement's emergence in 2017, adherents of the QAnon far-right conspiracy theory [1] have been involved in a number of controversial events, some of them violent, resulting in the filing of criminal charges and one conviction for terrorism.

  6. 8 gru 2021 · ‘QAnon proper’, the oldest part of the movement, and perhaps the best known, had the closest link to the Q drops — members either engaged with the text directly, or through aggregators and...

  7. Q-drops included cryptically written acronyms and code words (for example, “Operation Mockingbird,” which referred to an alleged CIA propaganda operation). They posed leading questions — like “Why is Pelosi begging for a new special counsel?” — that alluded to sinister political dynamics.

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