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  1. Materiał zawiera 1 ilustrację, 1 film, 15 ćwiczeń, w tym 8 interaktywnych. Film - proporcja w sytuacji praktycznej. Definicja proporcji. Ćwiczenia - rozpoznawanie proporcji, własności proporcji, równania w postaci proporcji, zastosowanie proporcji w sytuacjach praktycznych.

  2. Past papers are available for Cambridge International schools from the School Support Hub, Cambridge Primary and Cambridge Lower Secondary support sites. Some past papers are also available on our website and are free for anyone to access: Cambridge International AS & A Levels.

  3. Find past papers and mark schemes to help you prepare for exams. AQA Education has obtained an injunction preventing interference with public examinations. This notice is to alert you to the injunction, so that you are aware of it and can make submissions about it if you wish to do so.

  4. AQA Maths revision past exam papers for the new 1-9 GCSE Specification.

  5. On this page you can find links to topic tests, past paper questions separated by topic and grade, for both Foundation and Higher tiers. For notes, worksheets and their solutions, visit the Maths Revision page. Full past papers and model solutions can be found on the Paper 1, Paper 2 and Paper 3 pages.

  6. Topic test preparation. Each topic has specific worksheets to help you prepare for topic tests. Skills sheets: these revise the key skills for each topic. Answers are at the end of each sheet. Pre-TT: you should all complete this worksheet of past paper questions that covers all the material in the topic.

  7. MATHEMATICS COMMON PAPER 2019 GRADE 9 TEST TERM 3 MARKS: 100 TIME: HOURS CIRCUIT DATE SCHOOL CLASS (e.g. 9 A) NAME & SURMANE GENDER (√ ; DATE OF BIRTH Instructions to learners: ... 2019 GRADE 9 TERM 3 MATHEMATICS TEST Page 6 4.2.4 Sketch the graph on the given grid. Indicate the x-intercept and y-intercepts

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